The Conversation Dance
Round 1
The first “dancer” in the group uses “The Random Number Generator” to generate a number and then selects the principle that corresponds with that number. Note: you can enlarge the cards to the right by clicking on them.
Start the 3-minute timer. Using the first “conversation question” prompt, each member of the group responds to the prompt in relation to the chosen principle. As many members as can contribute their ideas in the 3 minutes of allotted time.
At the end of the 3 minutes, a new group member is chosen to begin the next round. You may chose to go in order or you may chose to have the person who spoke the least in the last round begin the next round to ensure you are hearing from everyone.
Conversation Question Prompts
Round Two
The second “dancer” in the group uses “The Random Number Generator” to generate a number and then selects the principle that corresponds with that number.
Start the 3-minute timer. Using the second “conversation question” prompt, each group member responds to the prompt in relation to the chosen principle. As many members as can contribute their ideas in the 2 minutes of allotted time.
At the end of the 3 minutes, a new group member is chosen to begin the next round. You may chose to go in order or you may chose to have the person who spoke the least begin the next round to ensure you are hearing from everyone.
Make it stand out
Conversation Question Prompts
Rounds Three -Six
The next “dancer” in the group uses “The Random Number Generator” to generate a number and then selects the principle that corresponds with that number.
Repeat the process until all 6 conversation questions have been explored. Note: you won’t get to discuss all 10 principles and you may even repeat your discussion of a few of the principles, which is fine.